Saturday, March 15, 2008


Today I received this wonderful quote from Dr. Phyllis Kilbourn in her Easter Newsletter:

“There will never be an act of love so pure or triumph so celebrated as the humility of the cross and the miracle of the empty tomb.”

Father as we are in this season of Lent and Easter is approaching may your act of love on the cross, once again be captured in our hearts that we too would reflect Your love in our acts of service, in what we say and do and in the midst of suffering and hardship, let us remember that you endured the cross for the joy that was set before you. Indeed there can be no crown if there is no cross. May your cross remind us time and time again of the price you paid to set us free from the chains of sin that we might live in your resurrection power! Thank you for the miracle of the empty tomb that reminds us that You have risen and so shall we. As I think of my 'spiritual daugthers' in the far off land of Cambodia, I pray this Easter season they may come to taste and experience the freedom of new life in You---a life in which you lift them up from the miry pit and set them free to live in the strength and in the power of your Spirit who sanctifies and cleanses them from all fear, shame and guilt and makes them a new creation born to worship you in spirit and in truth!