It's been a while since I last wrote on my blog. But tonight I am prompted to do so after I read a prayer request below from one of our Ratanak reps who has been in Cambodia over the last couple of months. Here is her prayer request below:
We were at Rahab House, a converted brothel in Svay Pak. We went to visit the Bible/worship program they have there for the community children 2 afternoons a week. When I think of "pimps" I think of hard, swaggering young or mid-age men. I was appalled to meet one such 'man' a skinny, little, 13 year old boy with bleached red hair. Yes, he has that hard look in his eyes - young-old eyes - and he swaggers and thinks he's cool until the frisbees came out and the stickers, then he ran around and laughed with the others. But there is such a haunting, lost look in him even with play. He is a leader. Please pray that God will get into his heart and change him - old things pass away, new things come.
This young boy that she refers to is called 'How' --- one who I and those on the team that went in July 2008 know quite well. He was one of the cheeriest kids we know but I am compelled now to pray for him. He is not just a boy in a photo that I took, but one who God allowed my team members and myself to interact with and to connect with. In reading this prayer request something in my heart sank. I was saying 'no Lord, not one of our boys, not one that we know.' It is as if in a strange way he is our son. He is as much a victim of this insidious evil darkness as the little girls he is offering to sell. Satan has bound both the boys and girls of this community in such chains that one can't help but wonder whether anything good can come out of this community but I know in my heart that He did not allow us to meet these kids for nothing. Each one of them---both boys and girls are precious treasures in His sight and He has a plan and purpose for their life which they cannot see at this point but I am trusting that the presence of Rahab house and our Ratanak partners in Svay Pak will indeed shine God's light in the hearts of these young souls so that they will be transformed and be set free from the grip of the devil.
Dear Jesus, rend the heavens and come down. See your children, the ones you created with such potential being deceived and blinded by the stronghold of satan. Intervene and show yourself strong. Lord your word says that you are mighty to save and deliver. Will you O God, grab hold of 'How's heart' and open it up to your ways and your truth. Set this captive free.Break down those ancient gates that bind him to the darkness for there is no pit too dark that you cannot reach down and pull your children out of. Rescue him for your namesake, so that your kingdom can come in his heart, so that He will know the One who loves him with an unfailing and everlasting love. Thank you Lord that you are the God of the Impossible and you will build your kingdom and the gates of hell will not prevail. Give us the strength and perserverance to intercede for these who are lost, who are in such darkness that they don't even realize that there is a way out, that the Light can shine and give them hope and put a new song in their hearts. Thank you Jesus for the privilege you give to us to stand in the gap for these, to not lose hope, to not be discourage but to persevere on their behalf for your Renown.
1 comment:
Dane kuta&the professor are into the nazis,they both lied before congress in washington dc to get off the hook.
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