Saturday, August 26, 2006

Quick Snippets

On Friday morning our team got invited to meet the folks of CCAM - Cambodian Christian Arts Ministry. It was started by two women---one Khmer and the other an American...they are now both in their late 60s who met in the U.S. Their vision began in the early 1980s to use Khmer traditional arts (music, drama, dance, visual arts and literature) as vehicles for evangelism, church training and worship. Their desire is to train and evangelise Cambodians for Christ through the arts, giving priority to the disadvantaged espcialy the poor, abused, uneducated, handicapped, widows and orphans. There are 46 boys and girls who have been rescued from the streets of Phnom Penh that are part of this program that is using the arts to bring healing and expression to their lives. We saw a beautiful dance performance by the kids at CCAM. Again I couldn't help but be filled with tears as I looked into their eyes. They did 5 dances for us, 3 of which were based on the Psalms and 2 of the dances were Cambodian folk tales. More on this at a later day

Later I met with LInda Chisholm for a meeting. i wish I could spend more time on this email to tell you all that she shared with me but unfortunately I am running out of time. she has so many stories but one that was recent is about two Vietnamese women who have been arrested and are now in one of the prisons that she ministers to..they have been charged for selling their 10 and 11 year old children for sex. As she says, much grace is needed to see them the way Jesus sees them.

I have a meeting this morning with folks at New Song to see the site and then we head back to Place of Rescue this afternoon for the rest of the day. We are planning to pray for each of the AIDS families and then will help at the monthly birthday party in the evening. We bought 130 backpacks for the kids and filled them with all sorts of goodies. It should be a fun but tiring time. Tomorrow morning we leave bright and early for Siem Reap so I am hoping i will have more time to write then.

So I'll sign off for now. Next posting will be in Siem Reap

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